Ultimate Guide to Enhancing Cell Signals at Home.

If you’re experiencing poor cell reception at home, you may be considering installing a cellular amplifier to boost signal strength. However, you may have questions or concerns about how they work, what types of amplifiers are available, or how to install them properly. At Powerful Signal, we’re here to help. Our team of experts is … Read more

Enhancing Verizon Signal Strength in Your Building: 5 Effective Methods.

Over time, phones have become more powerful and the advent of 5G ensures faster data connections with lower latency. However, these faster networks are more susceptible to signal disruptions. The trend of constructing green and more energy-efficient buildings also raises the likelihood of mobile signal interruptions, which is why many large venues and offices have … Read more

LTE vs. WiFi: What Are the Primary Advantages and Disadvantages?

  In today’s application-driven and technology-dominated age, the search for a reliable, high-performing internet connection with minimum lag and faster response times continues, leading to the ongoing debate between LTE and WiFi. While WiFi has traditionally been the preferred choice of enterprises, an increasing number of small and large technology companies are recognizing the significant … Read more

Discovering the Closest Cell Tower: 5 Quick and Easy Methods.

Poor cell signal is a common problem for both individuals and businesses in today’s heavily reliant world on connectivity. To improve your reception, identifying where your signal originates from is the first step.   With nearly 350,000 cell tower locations across the United States as of 2018, it’s highly likely that a tower is located … Read more

What Sets dB Apart from dBm?

When exploring options for enhancing cellular signal, you may come across the terms “dB” and “dBm” used in reference to the power of signal amplifier systems. Both terms are utilized to indicate the strength of cellular signals. But what is the significance behind these terms?   Here’s a closer look at decibels (dB) and decibel … Read more

A Fundamental Handbook on Cell Phone Signal.

Cellular signal serves as the link connecting users to one another through networks. In much the same way as two-way radios establish communication, a signal transmitter and receiver permit signal transmission to reach cell phones. During a phone call, the user’s voice converts into a signal, which is then transmitted through radio waves to the … Read more

Testing Commercial and DIY Wireless Signal Blockers with Faraday Bags

A Faraday bag has the ability to protect your sensitive electronic devices from Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, cellular, radio, and other types of signals by creating a shield around them.   The early 1800s saw English scientist Michael Faraday make significant contributions to the field of electricity, including creations such as the first electrical generator and … Read more

Can Signal Jammers Be Circumvented?

Signal jammers can be difficult to circumvent, but there are some measures that can be taken to potentially bypass them. One option is to use stronger and higher frequency signals that may not be affected by the jammer. Another possibility is to use directional antennas to focus your signal in a specific direction and avoid … Read more

Messaging Apps That Ensure Security: Signal, Keybase, Threema, and Others.

An Introduction to Communications Security (COMSEC) and Techniques for Preventing External Intrusion into Your Network.   For many of us, the answer to the question, “Is this line secure?” has traditionally been “no” – at least outside of work. Nonetheless, over the past few years, an abundance of encrypted communication applications have emerged for both … Read more

Infographic: Hand Signals for Close Combat

Discover 43 Hand Signals for Silent Communication   Mastering the art of silent communication is a crucial skill for survivalists, whether you’re in a high-pressure situation confronting armed adversaries or simply attempting to keep your whereabouts hidden from onlookers. Hand signals provide an effective means of achieving this objective, but it’s essential to commit these … Read more